With a sheep farming history spanning seven generations on our property in the Central West of NSW, we bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our Babydoll breeding endeavours.

Our journey into breeding Babydoll Southdown Sheep began at our property on Bundalah Rd. Traditionally, throughout our family’s farming history, we have focused on breeding merinos for wool and meat, consistently striving to improve our animals with each generation.

In 2020 we decided to diversify, and our research led us to the Babydoll breed. We discovered that the Babydoll breed perfectly aligned with our family values and lifestyle. Their small stature and beautiful temperament checked all the boxes, making them an ideal choice for us. What's more, these terrific little sheep can be easily managed by adults of all ages and kids alike.

“What truly excites us about the Babydoll breed is the sheer joy of rearing our own animals. There's something indescribably fulfilling about connecting with these adorable creatures—it's good for the soul.

Beyond the sheer delight they bring, Babydoll Sheep have the potential to make a meaningful impact. They can help us reduce our carbon footprint by minimising reliance on chemicals and fossil fuels. With their efficient grazing habits, Babydoll’s keep grass and weeds in check naturally, providing a sustainable solution to land management. Additionally, they offer multiple income streams through their high-quality meat and sought-after wool. These remarkable sheep are not only fun but also incredibly useful.

Looking ahead, we envision a bright future for the Babydoll industry within Australia. While the breed is relatively young in our country, we hope to see it expand and become a significant player in producing quality genetics for various purposes.

“From wineries and orchards seeking eco-friendly grazing solutions to pet owners and hobby farmers desiring the perfect companion, Babydolls have the potential to meet a wide range of needs. Our goal is to preserve the breed's heritage while contributing to the industry's growth and development.”

At Bundalah Babydolls, our philosophy for breeding mirrors our approach to all our farming enterprises. We believe in utilising cutting-edge technologies and implementing sound farming practices to produce structurally sound, fertile sheep with exceptional temperaments. Running our animals on large areas with ample feed, water, and space, we strive to breed sheep that are easy to manage and require minimal reliance on pesticides.

Our goal is to create an enjoyable experience for the whole family, where interacting with these charming animals brings immense pleasure and fulfilment.

Trent and Angie Fraser